One of it are KEM ORIENTASI TINGKATAN 1 - 2014 (Orientation Camp for From One 2014)
Why? Last year (2013) I was just a photographer nothing much, didn't involve in anything.
This time I was the Camp Commander.
Things are a bit harder to do as I need and must follow the rules in school compared to my KM13 ( Camp Motivation 2013 ) As being a leader in 2 camps before. Indeed I have the experience on doing suck events, learning lots of new stuff and whenever we students write essays about going for camps learnt new moral values and leadership. What they missed was experience and memories. If you asked me what I learnt from this camp. I would say my mistakes. Yes, I did many mistakes and corrected some parts of the system. No matter how I would always missed out some parts and some holes to be repaired.
Being with my 51 AJK & Fasics and 70 campers.
Never felt as close as before. Communications, learning new styles of how people cooperate and work, experienced new attitudes, good and bad ones, better at managing is the most.
Before that it was schedule to be held during first week of March with high hopes and patients since last year the hope was ruined. Haze and water rationing sucks. So it was delayed to the next week and yet again the same thing happen. So not wasting our food and drinks we brought we made a Jualan ( Sales ) . So this year's camp wasn't just a plain camp but we have warming up events! Hahaha wow. It was good tho :). Bonding first. Really did helped a lot I knew more about everyone.
So until the second week of the April. I can see that 6 Days before the camp our meeting is full of boredom and disappointments in most of their faces. Many were 'de-spirited ' some were even feeling sick of this. Luckily the day before the mood was back! The stress are here! The pressure pushing you to move and the excited feeling! Never felt as pumped as before. It is hard for a leader to move your AJKs, lesson learnt.
The 2nd night with my fellow AJKs and facilitators. To be honest, I didn't expect that will happen, I just didn't knew about the lecture I gave. I can tell you one thing, I'm happy. Initially I thought this camp would just be a normal just happy camp, haha, it turned out to be emotional for me suddenly. Sorry for some of you. Many reasons made that day.
"To make your team to move, you should show it first and do it!"
Memories of big moments..
The link to the video is below here
Kem Orientasi Tingkatan 1 - 2014
AJKs and Fascis
My vice, Head of Facilitator and vice of Facilitator
One of the only few pictures of mine with them :)
And lastly myself. This picture may not be special or nice but it contains good memories.
Last of all, sorry to blog this so late but I would really want to thank all of the AJK & Facilitator that helped me showed me proved to me that this camp was successful. Shit may happen but it won't last long but good times does stays forever. Those tears, sweat, injuries suffered paid off. None of this would had happen if I seriously didn't get to know you guys and the help of you guys.
Anyway thanks the top 4 helped me planned the whole process of the 3 days. Without you guys, I wouldn't know what was right or wrong, going through the dark oblivion if you weren't there helping me. My extra hands and minds are really appreciated.
Facilitators, thank you for your patient, hard work, ability to communicate with the form 1 and gave them such GOOD MEMORIES. Some unexpected things from the campers after the camp happened :). What's that? Ask me privately.
AJKs of 4 groups. Without your effort and strength the preparations, I would have gone maniac and this camp would be a shitty one.
So thank you for the supports from teachers and you guys of course for giving the motivation :).
"Before today, we were strangers, not close or best friends neither friends. After this 24 hours, after what we had gone through, we are now a TEAM, a family and closer to each other as friends. So, I don't know what will be my or your future but one thing to be remembered is, the memories of us being together. "